Given our learners are local to the Southend area, we are always looking for employers from the surrounding area to provide our students with opportunities to experience life in the working world.

Most of our students require work experience over the school year and ideally we look to find them opportunities that fit in well with the courses they are taking, to give real-life experience of how to use the skills that they are developing.

Our learners tend to complete one-week worm experience placements consisting of 3 working days, however depending on the student they may wish to work with you for additional days if that were possible.

We will engage with you to discuss any learners specific needs ahead of the placement starting.

Our main courses are Travel & Tourism, Health & Care, Creative Media, Catering & Hospitality, Sport & Active Leisure and we would like to engage with more employers who’s job roles match these courses. However, we are keen to engage with employers that fall outside of this scope as well.

Organisation Subject area
Holiday Inn Southend Catering & Travel
PFS Engineering
Uplands rehabilitation Centre H&C
The Marigold Centre H&C
LWP Homes – Westcliff H&C
The Garden Landscaping Co Ltd N/A
Homemade Bakery PFA
Southend United Academy Sports
Indirock Sports
Revive Digital TDA & Media
Southend Theatres Travel

In-house examples:

  • Café: making and serving food to staff, learners and general public.
  • Halloween event: marketing project, manning staff and selling goods.
  • Work experience providing classroom and learning support to other students.

Click here to see our schedule of events, including work experience dates, for the current school year.

Contact Us

If you are able to offer work experience placements to our students please do reach out to us at