Employers are the backbone of our communities, creating jobs and career opportunities that support the whole region.

SACC works with employers in multiple different ways, from working with them as a community engagement tool to ensure we can find work experience and opportunities for our learners, to designing tailored training programmes for businesses and their staff.

As SACC is a smaller college than other local education providers we understand the challenges of small and medium size enterprises and businesses (SME). We are keen to develop relationships with many local businesses to ensure we develop our learners with their future in the working world a core consideration. We also can help you to develop a range of relevant and affordable high quality training programmes to meet the needs of developing skills training for your existing staff.

Work Experience

We are always looking for work experience opportunities in the work place for our young adults in vocational training programmes. Getting our students experience of an actual working environment is very important to their development.

Read more about how you could assist us with work experience opportunities here.

Job fairs, Industry talks & business visits

We frequently hold job fairs for our learners and we’re keen to get as many employers at these events as possible. There are other ways to work with us too, including holding a talk with our learners about your industry, or perhaps you could invite a small group of our vocational learners for a tour of your workplace?

Read more about how you could assist us here. 

Current vacancies

Do you have a vacancy you are currently looking to fill that would be suitable for a college leaver?  Please send over any suitable job vacancies to SACC@southend-adult.ac.uk

Who we work with & Employer partnerships

We are lucky to work with a number of employers already and are always looking to expand our employer partnerships.

Custom course for Employers

We can help you to develop a range of relevant and affordable high quality training programmes to meet the needs of developing skills training for your existing staff. CPD Courses.

Contact Us

If you would like more information on training or wish to discuss our services to business, please contact SACC@southend-adult.ac.uk or 01702445700.