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        message                                      Contents

                                                     Welcome                03
                                                     Adult community learning    04
                           Congratulations! Picking   Essential skills – English, ESOL,
                           up our new brochure full   Maths and Digital     06
                           of exciting opportunities
                           is your first step in     Vocational courses     08
                           joining our friendly and   Online learning: CPD   10
                           supportive college.       Online learning: Skills –
                           Whether you are looking to meet   accredited (level 1,2,3,4)   12
                           new people, gain a new skill or   Study Programme 16-19 including
                           explore your creativity, we have   SEND and English for Speakers
                           a full range of courses facilitated   of Other Languages (ESOL) Study
       by our experienced, qualified and caring tutors.  Programme          13
       Each year we help thousands of people to:     SEND Adults Programmes   14
         ƒ Gain confidence in themselves and their skills  High Needs Provision – Westcliff 15
         ƒ Achieve qualifications that help them to get jobs, make   Free and impartial advice    16
         progress in the workplace and integrate into their
         community                                   Additional Learning Support
         ƒ Improve their mental health and physical wellbeing   Service     17
         ƒ Network with others in creative and fun environments  Adult Community Learning
                                                     Course Listings        18
       Whatever your motivation for joining us, you will be
       welcomed by our kind team who are always happy to help.  Community matters   38
       We look forward to seeing you at Southend’s home of   Wish list      38
       learning.                                     How to enrol           39
       Ros Parker OBE, Principal

       2                                                     Southend Adult Community College
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